Reefer Madness Easter Egg - 4-20 Subliminal Message

In the scene where Bill first enters Jack's apartment, there is some banter, and chitchat. Hit slow-mo, and wait. After that goofy redhead is done talking, the screen is suddenly put pitch black with the number "4" made out of green letters. Another split second later, the same black screen, except the number "20" appears. For those who don't know, 4-20, or April 20 is International Marijuana day.

It is impossible to see this without slow-motion, as it only takes a microsecond for both of these screens to pass.

This is really funny, as the film was a propaganda made in 1939 to prevent the "scourge of the evil weed" from spreading". Obviously this touch was added much later.

User Rating:
  5.2/10 with 8 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-08-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, sars
Special Requirements: DVD version, slow-motion
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cornholio writes:
April 20th isn't International Marijuana Day.
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slick writes:
I have heard that the 4-20 is a reference to the code name thing that cops in the states use when reporting a cannabis offence, as in "we got a 4-20 down at the kwik e mart"
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Dr. Mark writes:
It's not the international day for marijuana. Rather 4:20pm is a noted time that many afterschool kiddies supposedly do their pot smoking.
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ravermama writes:
There is ongoing controvercy over what "420" actually means. Some say its the prime time to smoke out, its also rumored that there are 420 chemicals in marijuana, or that 420 is the police call number for a marijuana offense. April 20th got tacked on because the numbered date is "4/20", not because it was International Marijuana Day. It is, however, Earth Day, which is celebrated (especially?) by hippies world wide and of course there is the hippie/marijuana connection there.
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