SimCity (SNES) Easter Egg - Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG)
When you start a new game (scenario, practice map, or new map, it doesn't matter), spend all of your money in a year. Next, go to the budget screen (at the Information menu) and put all the funds and tax rate down to 0% and exit. At the end of the year, the budget screen will reappear automatically (You must have the AutoBudget button off in order to do this. The AutoBudget button is the button with the picture of a computer with a $ on it.). Hold down the "L" button and exit the screen. Continue to hold "L" and press "X" twice to change the month (and year) to January. Then, go back to the budget screen and put the funds back up to 100%, but leave the tax rate at 0%. Exit the screen, close the Information menu, and release the "L" button. Your money ($) should read 999,999. I've been using this cheat for years, and it works!! Trust me!!
Special Requirements: The game
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