Spiderman 2 Easter Egg - Stan Lee Makes a Cameo

In the scene where Spider-man and Doc Ock are fighting on the clock tower, Doc Ock throws a clock hand at spidey and it falls to the ground.
When it hits the ground, we see two people moving out of the way to avoid being hit. One of the them happens to be the creator of Spider-Man, Stan Lee!

User Rating:
  5.8/10 with 40 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-03-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, Boneho Chane
Special Requirements: The Movie
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Relling writes:
stan lee wasn't the only cameo, bruce campbell(from evil dead I, II, and army of darkness)plays the annoying usher at mj's play. this caused peter parker to miss the show, this is funny because the evil dead series is direcred by sam raimi!
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When Stan appears in a Marvel movie, he always has a line. This time he told the woman to "Look Out!" and tried to grab her.
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PistolPez writes:
The first time I saw the flick, I KNEW that was Stan Lee as soon as I saw the scene because I knew he made cameos like that. I'm glad I got confirmation.
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daunrealist writes:
Dude, this movie is FULL of cameos. that's cool that Stan Lee would do that.
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snpark writes:
stan lee gets a credit mention too for his cameo!
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Flamin__azn writes:
Ya, there are lots of eeggs/cameos... the most famous I'd have to say (other than Stan Lee and Bruce Campbell) is the Oldsmobile. It's been in lots of Sam Raimi's movies, and was previously crashed by the criminal in Spider-Man 1... kinda odd how they kept it.
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Sam500 writes:
I just submitted that Egg! Oh never mind :( I knew that Bruce Campell was the usher because I reconised his voice from the video game. He gives the hilarious tutorial on Spider man: The movie and Spider man 2.
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Jokestahh writes:
Also, if you remember the part in the movie when Doc Ock flips out in the hospital bed and his arms go crazy, if you are a fan of the evil dead series, you'll recognize the chainsaw scene with the doctor as an allusion to evil dead. (Similar camera work and funny movement)
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XIII writes:
me and my brother have been arguing for ages about whether or not matthew perry makes an appearance in spidey two.my brother claims that matthew perry is the guy reading the newspaper when spidey quit. help me prove him wrong. PLEASE...
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