Mad About You Easter Egg - Offhand Reference to the "Aliens"

In the episode where we find out that Mark and Fran, Paul (Paul Reiser) and Jamie's (Helen Hunt) friends, are splitting up, Mark asks Paul if he's seen the Alien movies. Paul immediately says "Only the first one." What's funny about this is that Paul Reiser starred in the SECOND Alien film, "Aliens".

User Rating:
  6.5/10 with 103 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 11-20-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: a television set
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Blaze writes:
You're missing part of the joke. The reason he answers so quickly is because he dies in Aliens and isn't doesn't seem to be too proud of it... ~Blaze~
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gorizo writes:
Paul's character in Aliens 2 is also the cowardly traitor... he's not too proud of that either. However, he did reconcilitate the two (Aliens and Mad About You) on Saturday Night Live, in a skit entitled "Mad About You Alien."
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BitchyBobIII writes:
Thats not the joke...
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he doesn't say "only the first one" he says "never seen it"
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