City of Heroes Easter Egg - Ark of the Covenant

natural origin heroes will face the 5th column(Nazis) in there first missions (Levels 1-5)Most of the time the will get this mission (I forget the exact wording of the mission but this is what you are told in a nut shell)

"recover crate 9906-753 from the 5th column in the wearhouse I marked on your map. The Crate has a powerfule magic Item in it. And what ever you do, do NOT to look in the crate."

Crate 9906-753 - which is the crate the Ark of the Covenant was placed in at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

User Rating:
  7.7/10 with 21 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-10-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster
Special Requirements: City Of Heroes and the internet
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Daveydje writes:
If you look behind the counter in any hospital there is a picture of the developers.
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The 5th Column are no longer in the game, although Seah "Manticore" Fish did say two years ago that they would return.
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Ein Dose writes:
The 5th Column may be gone, but fortunately this mission still manages to live on with the Council. Doesn't quite have the same impact though.
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