Duke Nukem 3D Easter Egg - Terminated Terminator

In Episode 3, level 11, entitled Freeway, get out of the sewers, head to the right. When the hole opens in the side of the hotel go through and battle the beast (the boss from Episode 1) once finished, go to the building on the left (from when you entered) use the blue key card and ride the elevator up. You should be in an area with lots of slime things and enemies which carry machine guns. There is a moving ramp in the area. Duck and go underneath the area it comes out of to find an RPG. In this same area is the crushed terminator from the movie Terminator. Duke sees it and says "Terminated."

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 92 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 11-20-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Full version of Duke Nukem 3D
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This is a very cool working egg.
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Tim writes:
Pretty cool! The other side is the robo's hand sticking out too!! as if it were trying to reach some1 (Sarah Conor)
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