Zoo Tycoon Easter Egg - Special Colors

If you rename any guest "Mr. White" (minus the quotes) it will change all of your guest's clothing white. it will also change all of your buildings roofs white. This also works with Mr. Orange, Mr. Pink, Mr. Brown, and Mr. Blue

User Rating:
  5.4/10 with 9 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 05-18-2004
Reviewed By: Jabberwocky
Special Requirements: zoo tycoon
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Does anyone think this is a small referance to "Reservoir Dogs?"
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Pink_Kitty writes:
This also works with "Mr. Blonde".
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sars writes:
Well, as it works with Mr Blonde as well, I think it's rather a large reference to Reservoir Dogs.
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