Futurama Easter Egg - Bender's Brain

Early in the episode where Fry wins a contest sponsored by "Slurm,", the professor shows the crew a new invention he calls the "F-Ray". When the professor shines the f-ray on Bender's head, a little rectangle with the number "6502" on it shows up in his head. The 6502 processor was the processor used in the Apple II series and Commodore 64.

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 251 votes
Contributed By: Knucklehead on 11-16-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A tv, quick eyes...
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Doyna Yar writes:
And also in the 8-bit ATARIs! Never forget the Ataris.
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Monkey Zee writes:
And ALSO in the NES, the Gameboy and there was a customized of the 6502 chip in the Super NES - Never forget the Nintendos
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Gangis writes:
Actually, the game boy used the Z80 CPU, not the 6502. You're right about the C64, Apple, and NES.
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skage writes:
The Commodore 64 uses a 6510 processor, which is kind of an up-scale 6502.
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BluntMan writes:
also wasnt slurm the stuff burns made out of the ground up fish(in that episode where lisa helped him earn back his money)
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muhammed writes:
that was "Li'l Lisa's Slurry"
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Sean Quinn writes:
Yeah, that is a great egg and I am glad I am not the only dork to remember stuff like that!
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Hessian13 writes:
No BluntMan, it was actually called slurry, but it's close.
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