Unreal Easter Egg - Pirates of Naliland Sign

1. Go to the level "Serpent Canyon"
2. Enter the room where the canoe is docked.
3. Look around and you'll see two torches on the walls.
4. Using any weapon, shoot both of these torches.
5. Then hop in the boat and shoot the rope to undock.
6. After your boat enters the really long, dark cave,
7. Look to your left.

User Rating:
  6.9/10 with 50 votes
Contributed By: Rawls Hawes on 07-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Windows 95 or better
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Miner5 writes:
From beginning the level, I jumped into the small skiff and WHEEEEEE what a velocity. Anyway I didn`t shoot any torches at all. The ship headed towards a tunnel and I never really liked that place. It was hard to see and I could not light the place up with a flashlight. Well, because i got the creeps from wondering what kind of ugly creature would hop on-board my slow-moving vessel and catch me unprepared, I finally shot some fine, self-glowing tarydium products unto the darkness and vĂ´ila (or whatever) there it was. (I found this before I even knew the E-eggs archive existed)Once the green light was gone, I couldn`t shake the feeling that this was a reference to the Disneyland ride "Pirates of the Carribean".
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