Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Easter Egg - There Is No... Matrix in This Game!

At any time during the game, press Shift + ~ (the button above the Tab). Type in thereisnospoon and press enter. It will immediately go into bullet time, which was of course made famous by The Matrix trilogy, and "There is no spoon" is the quote in the first one which makes Neo realise exactly how to make or break laws.
Also, typing setforceall 3 into the same prompt as thereisnospoon, you will be able to dodge sniper fire. Find someone with a Disruptor Rifle, and if they fire a disintergration shot at a reasonable accuracy, you will suddenly find yourself making a familiar move, again not from Star Wars, but from another popular sci-fi trilogy...

User Rating:
  7.8/10 with 16 votes
Contributed By: EskimoBob on 04-14-2004
Reviewed By: Jabberwocky
Special Requirements: Jedi Outcast
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Antari writes:
Actually, the whole sniper dodge thing is part of the game. The manual states that once you have force speed level 3 you automatically dodge sniper shots.s
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EskimoBob writes:
Yes, but aren't cheats "part of the game" too? I know that it was supposed to happen, but it is still a direct reference to the Matrix.
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Dan Slep writes:
Well this is actually a cheat, and is plastered up over numerous cheat sites on the net, so it can't really be classed as an egg, especially as the sites also give a similar description as yours, egg's aren't supposed to be immediately accessable by everyone. Nice try though!
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