Ratchet and Clank 2 Easter Egg - The Insomniac Museum

The most important part of this egg is that you get far enough in the game to reach "Silver City" in "Boldan." There are two real ways of doing this. First is to wait until 3 a.m., then as soon as you reach Silver City, if you get to this bit, go to the part where you have to go either left or right at a forked section. You go left here and kill everyone in the area then you go on top of the water fountain. You will see a small circle shaped floor thing that looks like a teleporter except without the spires. Wait until the giant clock chimes 3, then quickly press triangle you will teleport to a room (beware that you press triangle while the clock is chiming). In the room some enemies will spawn; fight these all the way to the teleporter at the other end and press triangle to activate you will go there.
Another way is to go straight from your ship and ride the elevator up, then go up the ladder. Ride the rails to the construction site. When you are right BEFORE the construction site hit the electrical pole of the FAR left and glide down to the lone buildings. Face almost parallel with the rails and you will see a building with a clock on it. Go to that building and go around the left of it till you fall through the concrete. Apply a strongish weapon and then jump up after going right for a little bit. High jump then take out the enemies who are guarding the translocater. When all the enemies are defeated take the translocater to a planet called "Burbank". NOTE does not matter what time it is. Welcome to the Insomniac Museum.

Here is a planet called Burbank. Inside will be the museum. There will be exibits of all the missed out and interesting things from all the ratchet and clank games and some interactive exhibits as well. Also if you go all the way to the back you the Electrolyzer to open the huge garage doors. Once outside go right around the edge to get to the gravity tower. To get onto the roof of the museum go to the vertical tower on the left side and go all the way around until you get to the last loop and jump onto the skinny little ledge that it has, and if you jump toward the roof you should barely make it. (Don't try from globe thing it doesn't work). Also on the roof is a huge hammer, and I don't know what it does.

User Rating:
  9.6/10 with 23 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 04-14-2004
Reviewed By: Jabberwocky
Special Requirements: Ps2,copy of Ratchet & clank 2
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Sergio writes:
You can also unlock this egg after beating the game 100% (getting all weapons and upgrades, all challenge points...)
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InuyashaX27 writes:
hey this egg is really cool, especially when your playing at 4am and discover it accidentally.
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Wallamanage writes:
This does work and is cool (I really like the guy who goes on about the squirrels with hacksaws.) But what have Insomniac got with 3 am. You have to use this time for the museum in R&C3.
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Wallamanage writes:
Anyone who is really into these games will know why the planet is called DANtopia.
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Chris Putnam writes:
Perhaps the reason for you having to be there at 3:00 AM is because the word 'insomniac' means, one with a sleeping disorder. There you go! Two eeggs!
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mitch writes:
Another way to get to the Insomniac Museum is to go to Silver City on Boldan. Once their go straight and fight your way to the rails. When you get to the rails ride them just before the construction site. When you are just before the construction site hit the electrical pole on the far left and glide down to the buildings on the left. Go to the building with the clock on it (go right, turn the corner). When their walk along the left of the building (on the concrete) until you fall down through the concrete. Go right for three or so seconds and high jump up. Use one of your weapons to destroy multiple enemies and find the translocater that will take you to the Insomniac Museum.
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DRU writes:
Your "hammer" is actually a chimney that they put in because the insomniac musame is actually a exact replica of the insomniac building in real life. each speaker thing that tells you about the different things is actually each persons work place.
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