Zuma (popcap games) Easter Egg - Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Unsure if this egg works with the unregisterd version.

I found this egg while playing around with th intro to the game.

How to acheive this egg:

(1) when you load the game, you see a loading bar that eventually says "click here to play" click it...

(2) in the next menu you will see the options list, run your cursor from top to bottom in that order exactly, (for the bottom two, "exit" shall be the last) observing the tones. these tones are from the movie, 'close encounters of the third kind'

(3) repeat this process a further 2 times (3 in total) and a ufo will appear.

(4) click the ufo and read away.

*Note, clicking the frog on the main menu will cause his eyes to follow your cursor also.

User Rating:
  8.3/10 with 62 votes
Contributed By: Drano on 04-14-2004
Reviewed By: Jabberwocky
Special Requirements: self install package from www.popcap.com
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

Zuma with UFO Sun God Hat
Zuma with UFO Sun God Hat

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


Pikachu writes:
This egg works on the unregistered version. It's pretty cool.
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daunrealist writes:
Just in case anybody's confused by the two buttons on the bottom, you hit the left button first. This, by the way, happens to be one of the coolest eggs I've ever seen.
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kippi3000 writes:
anyway, the first time i saw that was when you finish the game.. the credits run then..
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thinboy00 writes:
Popcap posted this egg themselves (I've seen it. Something like "6 secrets of xmas"), although it has been two years since they posted it by now, and the page seems to have disappeared (google can't find it).
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Clicking on the UFO brings you to the credits. Interestingly, the button to exit the credits is labeled "whatever"
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Also, the frog thing's eyes follow the UFO
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