Morrowind Easter Egg - Extra Levels in Construction Set

While in the Morrowind Editor (The Elder Scrolls Construction Set), load the Morrowind Master file. If you check the different items and rooms, you will find that there are lots of them that where never used in the game...Usually strange ones!
As an example, you will see a interior called something like "Clutter Warehouse" that contains lots of wierd things, i.e. a special warhammer. Some of these areas where used to test the game's features during the development and the creators just left them in the game for fun. Also, if you check the first entry seen in the Journal (in the Editor) it will say:
"This is a test. This is only a test."
"You should never see this."
And we never do, in the game, but in the Editor it's all visible. Try to create a plugin yourself that links to these areas so you can visit them. It's cool!

User Rating:
  8.3/10 with 23 votes
Contributed By: Rufo Le Fay on 04-12-2004
Reviewed By: Jabberwocky
Special Requirements: The Elder Scrolls Construction Set (comes with Morrowind)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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CrasedMonkey writes:
This is easily accecible without using the editor. Press the console button (~) to open the console menu and type in coc (the place you want to go here). If there is more than one word in the name of the name of the place it must be put in quotes. example coc caldera coc "seyda neen" if you do not put seyda neen in quotes it would think your trying to warp to seyda witch ,of course, does not exist.
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hit the tilde key [~] and type in these to access secret areas... WARNING DO NOT KILL LORD CLUTTERMONKEY... just go godmode ([~] tgm) while in the clutter warehouse... coc toddtest (no quotes) coc "character stuff wonderland" coc "clutter warehouse - everything must go!" coc "ken's test hole" (is just a black room ... litterally) coc "mark's vampire test cell" there are two more but are just the redoran manor without people or doors... to leave back to morrowind the easiest way is to type [~] coc "balmora" just hit enter and the scenery will start loading... happy exploring... p.s. feel free to take everything you can... it is your and you will NOT be accused of stealing just dont kill anyone or you will end the thread
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