Tomb Raider 2 Easter Egg - The Hidden Dinosaurs Easter Egg!

On the second part of the first level you will come to a large room with a death slide. Rather than sliding down, tap backwards and grab the ledge below the slide. Shimmy all the way to the left, let go of action and hold it again immediately. You should now be holding the ledge below. Shimmy to the right now, until you can climb up. Do so and go along this corridor until you reach a ladder. Climb down this ladder. (I usually drop down a few rungs then grab on again: saves time.) You should now be on the cavern floor. Trot along until a dinosaur comes angrily out. After I killed this one, I ran around the cavern and found another dinosaur round a corner.

User Rating:
  4.2/10 with 23 votes
Contributed By: James Mitchell on 03-16-2004
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: As far as I know, any version of the game.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Be Christian writes:
This is not an Easter Egg. In technical jargon this would be known as "part of the game."
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