Dogma Easter Egg - Nails Brand Cigarettes

Watch the movie -- when they are on the train, and Silent Bob throws the two angels off the train. Right behind them is an ad for Nails cigarettes, the cigarettes that View Askew productions made up for their own movies! You can also find Nails cigarettes in Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and the all time classic Clerks.

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  6.3/10 with 144 votes
Contributed By: John Zukatus on 11-13-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: to watch the movie
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Edsel writes:
If you look carefully at the ad for Nails Cigarettes, you'll notice that it's an X-Ray of a pair of lungs with black nail silhouettes scattered inside. Nifty!
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DUzupis writes:
If you are interested in purchasing an authentic Nails Cigarettes Brand Zippo--like the one Kevin Smith (Silent Bob) uses to light his cigarettes in Dogma--go to Jay & Silent Bob's Secret Stash in Red Bank, or shop online at
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superchris50 writes:
Also very cool, check out for some faux Nails cigarettes wrappers that you can use to tranform your brand into Silent Bob's! Even Menthol ones!
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Taps writes:
Just finished watching th DVD for the bajillionth time, and thought I would add a little nails trivia... Right after Jay and Silent Bob are introduced, you will see Bob lighting a cigarette with a Zippo which has the NAILS logo on it as well.
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Nick writes:
Sorry, but, Kat, you are wrong. Jay was cast not because of his "lookalike to Ben", but because of his part in the Jay and Silent Bob duo that has held together since Clerks, and then onto Mallrats and Chasing Amy. Do a little research before you enter a comment.
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Glass Child writes:
And possibly because Jason Mewes (Jay) is Kevin's best friend ?
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Nightcrawler writes:
There are also Nails cigarettes that come with the Silent Bob figure!!!
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Serendipity writes:
I think you'll find that Kat meant thats why they chose Ben Aflec - not Jay - for the role....
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icpkorn420 writes:
Ben Affleck was in the movie because he is also Kevin Smith's friend. That's why he was in Mallrats and Chasing Amy as well. Also, I don't know of anybody else who thinks Jason Mewes and Ben Affleck look alike.
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Jay & Kevin didn't really get on well at the beginning, but then Jay did something naturally funny and that sort of won over Kevin.Kevin then saw the partner to the stoner (Silent Bob) he was going to play and then the favourite duo were born Jay & Silent Bob, and since then the two have bonded as Jay is a funny f***!
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Sara Jo writes:
Actually, Jason Mewes is not Kev's best friend, Scott Mosier is. In fact, Kevin didn't like Mewes when Scott introduced them to each other. But Mewes grew on him and fit the part so well that Kevin asked him to do it. Affleck was never in line for the Jay role. How do I know all this? The viewaskew website has an interview with Jason, where he says all of this.
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Kevin has known Jason Mewes since High School. They met when Bryan Johnson, who hung out with Jason's brother, invited him to go to a comic convention with him and Kevin. Kevin didn't meet Scott until he started film school.
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Clavis writes:
Nails brand cigarettes is not in "Clerks". Smith et al have pointed out that, because of the negative 'portrayal' of cigs in the movie (e.g. selling them to a child, lungs on the counter, etc.), no company would do a product placement. That's why everyone just says "uh... pack of cigarettes?" No one asks for Nails, and as far as I can tell with my zoom, the pack of cigs is a nondescript brand -- maybe Marlboro. It certainly doesn't look like the Nails packaging! AOK!
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