Parent Trap, The (1998) Easter Egg - Let's Get Together Again

During the hotel scene, one of the twins is talking to someone, then walks away through a door. As she is walking away, she sings quietly to herself "let's get together, yea yea yea..." which the twins sang together at camp in the original Parent Trap.

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  3.4/10 with 35 votes
Contributed By: Azzainne on 01-09-2004
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: movie and working audio
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Yeah, And So what!!!
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slimergirl writes:
too obvoius to be an egg. Anyone who saw the original and the updated version would have caught on to it. the song also appears subtly in other parts of the movie
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lgreene writes:
They don't sing the song at camp in the original movie, they sing it at the father's home, when the girls set up the romantic "first date" dinner for their parents.
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OutCast writes:
So why is this not an egg? Because someone saw the original? Come on now.
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dicai writes:
If you follow this egg guideline: "It must be truly hidden, not meant to be noticed by people in the general public. In a movie, for example, obvious references to other movies or actors' roles aren't Easter Eggs, even if some people don't pick up on the references. This includes references that would be considered "obvious" to any fan of the series or genre, but not to others. " So, I'm sure that it's not really an egg.
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