Monk Easter Egg - "Monk" Mentions Tony Shauloub's Career

In the episode of Monk when Adrian Monk suspects a man on the plane of murdering his wife, Monk's nurse/assistant Sharona sneaks into first class and talks to one of her favorite actors. He is thinking about doing a movie, and asks her advice on it. She mentions to him he should do the movie cleanshaven because they're always hits. She mentions a few, including "Wings" a show that Shaloub was cleanshaven and on. She also mentions one of his bombs in which he wore a goatee. One of the shows that Shaloub bombed was "Stark Raving Mad", in which he appeared with a goatee. Pretty cool little piece of knowledge.

User Rating:
  6.1/10 with 37 votes
Contributed By: Ill C on 10-22-2003
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Episode of "Monk"
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tiger221 writes:
Add to that, Brooke Adams, Tony's real-life wife plays a flight attendant.
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When Sharona introduces Monk to Tim Daly she says that he was in "Wings". Monk replies that he never heard of the show.
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