Unreal Tournament 2003 Easter Egg - Trapped Fan

1. Start a game on the level DM-Gael and spectate.
2. Find the platform above the hole in the ground and fly down.
3. After moving around several bars and passing by a skeleton you'll see three dead bodies on the floor and also a panel on the wall nearby.
4. Fly through this panel and you'll see the fan from the intro sequence in the single player.

This is definately an easter egg because if you find the static mesh using Unrealed 3.0 it is called "easteregg".

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 32 votes
Contributed By: Mogman on 07-16-2003
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Unreal Tournament 2003
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Good One! I am getting sick of people getting away with things that blatantly are not eggs, or putting "Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG)"... good to see some people are still trying.
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cat_bat writes:
The people dead on the floor are various characters from unreal, most namely gorge is one of them, the champion from the first UT. Also notice the spectators T-Shirt says 'go gorge' on it too. (or summin like that, i cant remember what exactly!)
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