Sgt. Pepper´s Lonely Hearts Club Band Easter Egg - Dog Whistle

1) Cue up A Day in the Life
2) During the crescendo at the end and continuing until the end a dog whistle is played. It is impossible to hear with the human ear unless you have a computer program that enables you to change frequency. Such plugins are availible for WINAMP.
Note: This was intentionally done by George who thought it would be funny "if a bloke was sitting there listening and his dog was going crazy." Good ol George, we miss you bud.

User Rating:
  7.6/10 with 37 votes
Contributed By: Michael on 06-30-2003
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Cd, Dog or computer program that enables frequency modulation
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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i do not understand why people always say they cannot hear it, i can hear it just fine
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I read in the liner notes of the CD that it was John's idea to put in the dog whistle... regardless of whose idea it was, it was funny.
22 of 41 people found this comment helpful. Did you? Yes No are a dog, bro!! lol no offense!! ;)
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