Hitman 2 - Silent Assasin Easter Egg - Is One of the Assassins in "Temple City Ambush" a Yankees or Mets Fan?

One of the assassins in Temple City Ambush is wearing a very interesting cap...

Go through the mission normally, until you see a message that says more assassins have been spotted. Go to the room where the two assassins are hiding and kill them both.

Now go to the assassin that is sitting down, not the sniper. Drag his body into a bright place and take a very close look at his cap. He is wearing a cap with the New York Yankees baseball team sign in it! Is one of the developers also a Yankees fan?

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  4.5/10 with 24 votes
Contributed By: The Silent Assassin on 06-28-2003
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Yankees or Mets Fan?
Yankees or Mets Fan?

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Jekkyl writes:
damn...you're right. I sure hope not, because Yankees suck....Red Sox all the way...
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jampe writes:
I doubt it. The developers are danish, and as a dane, I can say that the people of Denmark give less than a rats butt about american sports :)
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