Rise of the Triad Easter Egg - And Why Did You Cheat?!

Here are 2 cheats from ROTT: GOARCH ends the current level and GOTO warps you to a certain level.

1. Type DIPSTICK to activate cheat mode.
2. Get to "In a Dark Nest" level (through GOTO or fair play.)
3. After you teleport, skip the level with GOARCH.
4. You'll see a slightly changed end scene...

User Rating:
  7.3/10 with 3 votes
Contributed By: Judge Deadd on 05-29-2003
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Judge Deadd writes:
Whoops! This isn't real Easter egg... it would also appear if you'd forget to kill all the embryos...
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Greenmarine3 writes:
For use only on the registered version.
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Playerhater writes:
Also known as the "Bad Ending." It doesn't happen because you cheat. It happens because you didn't kill all of the El Oscuro (Final Boss) embryos, which are all hidden on the final level.
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