Falling Away From Me (Korn) Easter Egg - Director?

Just watch the Korn video on MTV, and toward the end, there is a sequence where Jon's upper body is flashing many times on the screen during the sequence. I think I saw Fred Durst's face flash by for a second. Since Fred Durst directed the video, this may be true. I am not sure if this IS in fact Fred Durst, but it sure did look alot like him. Please confirm.

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Contributed By: FragileGuy on 11-05-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: your TV
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tweety5454 writes:
I think you're right. When I saw it the first time I swore that I saw Fred Durst. Now I have a backup person to verify with.
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HighGalaxia writes:
Yep, I saw him too. It was like only for a second though. But no one else saw him that I knew so I wasn't for sure.
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You are all right. I have a hight tech VCR that plays the individual frames. I saw Fred Dursts face replacing Jons.
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bram kok writes:
good notice, --==koRn==--
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hurrakain writes:
Yeh your all right, i actually have a Tv card on my computer and have that clip on my computer, anyone who wants it can email me for it, or if u dont want a videom then i have individual pics....
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I know it's Fred Durst when I first saw it..but uh..if anyone cares...apparently Fieldy, the bassist, has the same hat..and it's on backwards too.
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spatch writes:
thats a good one. i never caught that
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the thing is, fred appears for the slightest bit of a second. litterally, you blink, you miss it. but... he only appeared in the video the first few weeks of it being aired. i have the premeir recorded with him in it. but later on when it was in TRL, no fred was to be seen. dont know why. interesting thing to look up though
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sikfreak9 writes:
I read in request magazine that it was Freds head. He did it as a joke to the guys.
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CHaz writes:
He is in the video and if you have taped it or have a real copy pause it at the time 04:32 and you will see fred Durst.
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jon writes:
I downloaded the video and paused it at the right moment, and It's a clear picture of Fred!
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PMF writes:
I remember seeing Fred when the video premiered on MTV, but then I never saw him in it again. Weird.
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It is Fred Durst!!!!!!!!
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L***R*** writes:
It is well known that Fred Durst seems to think his MUG has to be in any video he has directed. FAFM was a good video. The thing behind him being there then gone I heard was this. Fred Durst showed Korn a copy of the video as it is supposed to be without his face but he turned the video with him into MTV. When Korn found this out it was replaced with the actual video.
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Zas writes:
yeah, it's fred durst but not because he has directed the video.... ...that's because Fred Durst and Jonathan Davis are friends.... also you can see Jonathan Davis in Breakstuff, and ther's another Limp Bizkit video where Jonathan Davis appears for a splitt of a second, but i forgot which one it was...
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Jake_Davis writes:
Oh, and Jon Davis appears in the Break Stuff video. as already mentioned. He's the guy with his left eye pierced and long black hair. He appears more than any other "guest" person. Note: He appears first at 1:25 (I think) I know I first saw him at 1:27 when I looked away at the screen for a moment. If there is any other video I know for fact he is in, it is in Faith. He appears for a moment with his arm around Fred saying something and poitning at the camera. I also believe he is seen preforming with KoRn.
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Jake_Davis writes:
Actually it is true. I downloaded a version from limewire.com and it happened to be the old version. 4:31, keep pausing and playing (when Jon is shown twictching) and you should see him with hsi mouth open, mimicing Jon's way of singing. If anyone can tell me how to take computer screen shots I can confirm it.
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