Loser ( 3 Doors Down ) Easter Egg - Lyrics to Kryptonite?

Watch the video Loser by 3 Doors Down and about halfway throught the video you will see the teacher handing out papers you will a boy standing by his desk and for a few seconds you will see the original hand written lyrics for the song "Kryptonite" on his desk just before the teacher puts his paper down.

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  7.2/10 with 53 votes
Contributed By: Kurt_Cobain_Nirvana on 02-19-2003
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A tv and sharp eyes
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its a good egg i dont think it is very original because in the video for pink floyds another brick in the wall a teacher confiscates a paper from a student that has the lyrics to money written on them and then the teacher reads them aloud
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It's a good egg, but I don't think it is very original, because in the video for Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall," a teacher confiscates a paper from a student that has the lyrics to "Money" written on them, and then the teacher reads them aloud.
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