Sims House Party, The Easter Egg - Santa Claus

I'm sure that many of you people who like to add your comments will explain to me that this is not a true egg, but it is hidden, and it is very fun. To get Santa to come visit you at your house, you must build a fireplace, and you must have a small table nearby with a plate of "Gramma's Cookies" on it. Make sure all of the family is in bed by nine-o-clock, and then speed up the time a bit. At about midnight, Santa will be transported by those laser beam thingy's and will wave. He will eat the cookies, and then give you something, like a fish tank, or a flat screen TV. But be sure you haven't been naughty, or he will give you "empty presents". These are the presents that Sims give to each other that have nothing inside, they are just empty boxes. If Santa does not like you, then every where you have an empty space, he will place an empty present. (An empty space is one of those grid squares that is not covered by furniture.) Sometimes he will just leave a few empty presents, other times, he will fill up the whole house. For an added thrill, wake up and light your fireplace. Santa will be too busy lying out all the empty presents to notice you are awake. Eventually, the presents will catch on fire, and you will be doomed...Very hilarious!

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 171 votes
Contributed By: CheetahEryn8 on 01-17-2003
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The game, duh!
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Billy Bob writes:
I've seen my friend do this, but it won't work for me... Will someone help me?
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MovieMaven writes:
This is the coolest Sim egg I've ever read! I'm totally going to try this!
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Prize_Bitch writes:
you just have to put a Chrissy Tree cookies and a fire place in a room and get into bed before 12 midnight, you need the LLEP for the chrissy tree!
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turtle writes:
This won't workfor me either. Does it not work once you get other expantion packs?
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Marianne writes:
This works for me - do it around Christmas time to feel extra-Christmassy. Is also a good way to get lots of lovely new things for FREE!! Hurrah.
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