Reboot Easter Egg - Treacherous Dogs!

Originally, ReBoot was shown on ABC. However, the show was slated to be canceled after the last episode of the second season. The writers were upset about this decision and expressed this in this episode. Megabyte's ships, which had never been named before, were now being called ABCs. When the ABCs turn on the CPUs, one character announces, "The ABCs - they've turned on us! Treacherous dogs!"

User Rating:
  9.1/10 with 36 votes
Contributed By: Fallen_Saiyan_Angel on 12-03-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The last episode of season 2 of ReBoot
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Wallamanage writes:
Can anyone tell me how Reeboot ended? I used to watch it on ITV but I missed everything after Enzo grew up. Please tell me what happened!!!
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The series was cut short on ITV, apparently due to the fact that they thought it was getting too dark and violent for a children's show. I'm not too clear on what happened next, since I haven't seen the rest of series 3 either, but if you go here there's an episode guide for the entire series, so you can find out what happened since then. Series 4 is also available on DVD, so you can still see that for yourself, provided you have a multiregion DVD player. :)
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