America's Army: Operations Easter Egg - Developer's Grafitti

First, go to jail. The easiest way is to start the rifle range training mission, and shoot an instructor. You'll go into your jail cell. Hit "Tab", and type "mpcheat ghost". It's like a noclip cleat. You can go into the other cells, and see comments from the developers. One is apparently a message to his wife, others are simply initials.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 53 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 11-13-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Americas Army (, confirmed on 1.3, will prob work on others
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Confuzed writes:
Not all of the graffiti is for pure visual enjoyment. If you notice in one of the cells there is a sniper rifle on a bed with the word "Judas" on the wall. If you type "JUDAS" in the same area you would type a cheat it makes sniper accuracy perfect. The "adrenaline factor" is gone and the sniper rifle won't move around while you aim.
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AAAnnndddyyy writes:
It work in jail and in other missions as well. Its a nice code and i would like to see more codes like that.
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