Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 Easter Egg - I'm so Excited- It's an Intamin Ride!

1. Open or create a scenario with Giga Coaster, Hyper Twister Coaster, or Inverted Impulse building capability.

2. Create a queue leading out of the entrance.

3. As a guest is just about to step into the queue, pause the game. Then name that guest Elissa White. Unpause the game.

4. When she steps into the queue, she'll say "I'm so excited- it's an Intamin ride!

Intamin is the designer of real life hyper-twister coasters, giga coasters, and Inverted Impuls coasters. Elissa White loves them, and helped design the game.

User Rating:
  6.2/10 with 104 votes
Contributed By: swimmerkevin on 11-04-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Super Rad writes:
I'm not discounting the validity of this egg, but i do question the designers who put it in there because all hyper twisters (in the game at least, I think in real life as well) are either built by Giovanola or Bolliger and Mabillard (B&M). Then again, B&M did secede from intamin to start their own business so I guess they are intertwined in some ways. Also, Intamin DOES rock!
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CapnChubby writes:
Actually, most of the names that are codes for RCT2 are friends of Chris Sawyer, and are probably in the text file that shows all the contibutions.
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TooHot4u69 writes:
First of all you CAN NOT change their names in 'Roller Coaster Tycoon Two!' You can in the first one but not in the second! Unless I am doing something wrong.... i pause the game, click on a person, click on the tag thingy, type in a new name, and press 'ok' but it doesn't work! It is the same name as before!
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Goatboy writes:
You cannot enter the guests names when the game is paused - you can't hardly do anything when the game is paused! You have to enter the guest names when the game isn't paused THEN the names will be changed and the cheats will work.
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jbuck writes:
I just though you should know, Elissa got married to Robb Alvey and now helps run
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psudomorph writes:
I believe in order to change the name of a guest, you have to have the game unpaused when you click the OK button. You can type the name in while paused, but you have to unpause when hitting the button. The same goes for signs, and pretty much anything else nameable.
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