Lion King, The (Disney) Easter Egg - A Hidden Mickey

If you haven't heard of the Hidden Mickeys, you're missing out on something great. Tons of Mickey Mouse silhouettes, whether of the head or the whole body, are hidden in each movie Disney makes, as well as various merchandise and all kinds of other things.
One example of a Hidden Mickey in The Lion King appears while Mufasa gives Simba the "Great Kings of the Past" speech. Watch the starry sky above, and on the left, at just the right moment the stars will outline Mickey's whole body. It looks like an earlier-style Mickey, but it's definitely Mickey.
There are many others in this film and any other film Disney makes, cartoon or otherwise, including Star Wars: The Phantom Menace! Look for them!

User Rating:
  6.8/10 with 145 votes
Contributed By: Scott Madden on 11-02-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Lion King on video cassette
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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penzm writes:
I didnt think Disney actually produced the Phantom Menace... Please correct me if i am wrong tho
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JediMolly writes:
I happen to know for a fact that Disney DID NOT make The Phantom Menace, it was made by LucasFilm Ltd. Also the "Hidden Mickey" in that movie is not a Mickey at all but a figment of someones imagination. Just see the Star Wars Episode I egg list comments.
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I do not know if the silohettes in the Star Wars movie is true or not, but it is possible, as George Lucas' film company and Disney are close (if anyone has been to Disneyland, you know that there is a ride put together by George Lucas and Disney).
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dementia writes:
It doesnt matter if disney had anything to do with The Phantom Menace, if the studios are close, Lucas may have been inclined to put a Mickey in his movie. I know for a fact that many things including several Millenium Falcons were hidden in Episode Two, Lucas is a brilliant film maker and he loves to tease his fans.
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I'm sorry, this egg could be very well true, but I am getting a headache from people not reading everything they should. The first comment states "I do not know if the silohettes in the Star Wars movie is true or not, but it is possible, as George Lucas' film company and Disney are close (if anyone has been to Disneyland, you know that there is a ride put together by George Lucas and Disney)." There is a Star Wars ride at Disney Land, I went on it. The two studios ARE close. Please, read before you post a comment!
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nutso writes:
TO Jedi Molley: No one said Disney actually made Star Wars Two! And since they were talking about Star Wars Two why would you say Star Wars One? Why wouldn't Disney put in "Hidden Mickeys" and why wouldn't they put them in Star Wars? Its all just for fun!
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