Tempted (The Squeeze) Easter Egg - Bad Break Up

In this 80's classic off of The Squeeze's "East Side Story" album, the writer was apparently writing about a girlfriend who decided she wanted to play for the other team. If you turn the volume way up for the very last chorus, you will hear, after the words "tempted by the fruit of another" and two beats, someone whispering the word "lesbian". This happens repetedly between the lines of the chorus. The first sylable is very distinct and after hearing it a few times, it will be pretty obvious what he is saying. You will have to listen very closely and turn the volume up high.

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  6.5/10 with 61 votes
Contributed By: sbee on 09-26-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: moderately strong sound system
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Wench writes:
I'm not convinced. Sounds more to me like "What's been going on" - which is a line that does appear earlier on in the song. Go to any decent lyrics website and you'll probably think the same thing. I heard that Chris Difford simply wrote the lyrics based around what he saw on a car journey to (or maybe from) an airport. And they're called 'Squeeze' not 'The Squeeze'. A fine bunch of British boys! I actually met Jools Holland and Gilson Lavis a couple of months ago (maybe I should have asked them about the lyric then, heh heh.)
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MargateSteve writes:
I fully agree with Wench on this one. The line is indeed 'What's been going on' sung by Chris Difford, and is also sung by Glenn Tilbrook in every chorus. The song was written by Chris in a cab on the way to Heathrow Airport at the start of a tour and as Wench said is basically a list of what he saw en route. The band were originally called 'The Squeeze' in the States as there was already a band caled Squeeze over there. I think that this was only for the self-titled first album. Steve
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Actually in the version from East Side Story Paul Carrack sings the lead vocal, although in one verse Tilbrook, Difford, and Bentley trade lines. But it's Carrack on the choruses.
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I hear it. the first syllable is clear but the second is hard to make out. but it sounds too short to be "whats been going on"
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