Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Easter Egg - Secret Level

On the first mission of the Chewbacca campaign, the real mission is to get Han and Chewie through the woods, avoiding space pirates and Imperial Troops.

However, there is a secret, second mission.

At one point, you can rescue 4 workers.

Now, the only way to use them is to use the cheatcodes (forceore,forcecarbon, forcenova, forcefood) to get enough resources to build your Command Center, Keep building until you reach level 3, and construct an Airbase. Get a Personnel Carrier. Fly over to the right corner, from the bottom, and head up. You will reach an area that can't be reached on foot due to the trees.

Within a large ring of trees, mysteriously, you'll find a patch of the planet Tatooine. Queen Amidala's ship is there, and you'll find Obi Wan Kenobi. Your new mission is to rescue Queen Amidala from Sandpeople. Darth Maul makes an appearance eventually also.

Other cheat codes of interest:
forceexplore reveals map
forcesight shows all units on map
simonsays creates Killer Ewok
scaryneighbor must be done over water:
creates speedboat with high firepower

User Rating:
  6.9/10 with 51 votes
Contributed By: Algomeysa on 09-19-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Requires using the game cheat keys
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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zork master writes:
watch for mara jade on the vader levels,luke and r2 on one of the gungen levels, jar-jar and obi-wan on one of the omm 9 levels, as well as several other bonuses the only question is what are they here for... oh by the way I have found some extra files in the campaign folder which do nothing... humm... another puzzle
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