Disneyland Easter Egg - Hidden Mickey, Donald, Pluto, & Goofy in Carpeting

OK, Last summer I took my family to Disneyland (LA) and stayed in the Disneyland hotel. As we were on our way down to the desk to check out one of the hotel staff had asked us if we'd noticed the hidden "Hidden Mickies" in the CARPETTING!!

We hadn't, so spent significant time searching:

At the corners of the central pattern for the carpet are some squiggle-lines that on cursory inspection appear to be just that, squiggles. Upon further reflection however, and standing at the center of the pattern facing each corner, the squiggles clearly take on the stylized shapes of Mickey, Donald, Goofy, & Pluto - one at each of the 4 corners of the design.

The design is re-used/reproduced thruout the hotel corridors.

Happy Hunting


User Rating:
  8.0/10 with 26 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 09-03-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A room at the DisneyLand Hotel
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Just a correction... Disneyland is NOT in LA. CA yes, LA no. :D
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