Riven Easter Egg - Gehn's Opera/Wireframe Jungle/Silly Putty/Christmas Lights/Sky Walk

In order to view all of these eggs, you have to click on a series of points throughout the game. (Best to figure all this out after you've already finished the game previously - it makes it a whole lot easier to find these places, and to know what I'm even talking about) Remember, only click each spot ONCE. You'll know if you got it, because the cursor will disappear for a second.

1. Go to Gehns Lab on Crater Island. (Island with the Boiler) On one of the desks there is a box with some drawers, and in one of them, there are a bunch of eggs. Click the small orange one.
2. Go to the Moiety Age, Tay. (The Age with the big Hive Tree) In your prison, there is a bowl on the 'table'. Click on it.
3. Go into the Submarine, and go to the bridge controlling room (The room with all the levers) once inside, Look out the small window, and click on the submarine that you see.
4. Go to Survey island (The island with the spiky rocks and the Whark)Go to the underground section and click on the golden star at the top of the outside of the big golden elevator.
5. THis one is a bit tougher. On the Island where you arrive, Temple island, go to the maglev bay. Looking at the maglev dock, there is a very very small "RAWA" written into the stone. It is only a few pixels high, this might take a while to find.

And now you're ready to see the Easter Eggs!

1. Christmas Lights
Go into the Temple Island temple room that you use to exit out to the MagLev dock. Stand as close as you can to the door, and face the window and the cage in the back of the room. Click on the second lamp from the left.

2. Wireframe Jungle
Go to the village on Jungle Island. Walk from the place you first find the sub towards the hut where you can knock on the door. When you are looking down the ladder, turn right and Voila!

3. Walking In The Sky
Go to Jungle Island and take the whark elevator all the way up. Walk past the dome and up towards the control throne. When you are about the middle of the stairs, turn around to face the dome. Down on the path underneath, you can see some lights by the side of the path. Click on the light farthest away from the dome.

4. Silly Putty
Go to Survey Island and sit in Gehn's whark throne. Press the button to face the window. Pull the lever on the left and then look down at the view screen. Click on the small bolt just off to the right of the view screen to see it.

5. Gehn Sings Opera (My personal favorite, and definately the best egg of them all!)
Go to Gehn's 233rd Age, the one where you see him give his speech. Go into his bedroom below ground, and click the center of the star on the tapestry on the wall.

User Rating:
  9.3/10 with 32 votes
Contributed By: Marrim on 08-23-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Just the game Riven!
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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lev_boy writes:
Maybe you should look at the other easter eggs listed here, as these have ALL been posted already.
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