Night Of The Living Dead (1990) Easter Egg - Grandma's House

Once all the zombies are out and about, the camera shows an Old Lady Zombie stop, turn and begin stumbling towards the house. The old lady that played the "Old Lady Zombie" Is actually the owner of the house the movie was filmed in! Romero wanted to thank her for letting them film the movie there, so he put her in as a zombie. Uh..thanks I guess..=)

User Rating:
  6.0/10 with 15 votes
Contributed By: Dr.Zombie on 08-20-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The 1990 re-make of NOTLD (It's in color)
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Actually, it was Tom Savini who directed the 1990 version of NOTLD, and he alludes to this fact about the old lady on the commentary track on the DVD.
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