Minority Report Easter Egg - Cameron Crowe Cameo

In the scene where Tom Cruise's character gets into the subway train, a man is reading a newspaper while sitting down, and he looks up at Tom. The person reading the newspaper is Cameron Crowe. This is significant, because Crowe directed 'Vanilla Sky' and Spielberg had a cameo in that movie, and Speilberg directed 'Minority Report' and gave Crowe a cameo in the film.

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  5.1/10 with 95 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-09-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: movie
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Sam writes:
I also read that the woman behind crowe looking over is none other than Cameron Diaz who also stared with Cruise in Vanilla Sky. I know this to be true, but forgot to look while watching it in the theater.
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pr_frink writes:
Not only that, but sitting behind Cameron Crowe is Cameron Diaz. Another star of Vanilla Sky. You can only see the top of her head but it's her. I read it in an interview with Spielberg.
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Squirrel writes:
Hey guess who was in the scene? Camero - aw you said it already.
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Jace writes:
Also, not as exciting but still cool. When they pull apart Tom Cruise's computer, they pull out a red card with a photo of who made it I think. On the bottom of the card is the word "DreamWeaver". This is just before they go to the guy who makes dreams virtual reality. Anyway, Dream Weaver was the name of one of the production companies"
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Balbo writes:
Sorry for my english, but I am french... The director Paul Thomas Anderson (Boogie Nights, Magnolia) appears in the same scene but he can't recocgnize himself.. (Read in the French Premiere)
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