Little Nicky Easter Egg - Sandler's Dog, Meatball

Adam Sandler's bulldog, Meatball is the dog in his movie, 'Little Nicky'. His dog was featured recently on Mtv's diaries with Adam Sandler and I recognized the dog right away! The movie cover of 'Little Nicky' also features Adam Sandler's dog, Meatball standing alongside him. In the movie there are also a number of times when Adam Sandler is walking this brown and white bulldog. It's not hard to spot, it's just cute that Adam Sandler decided to include his "Spot" in his movie.

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  4.2/10 with 90 votes
Contributed By: Christie on 06-27-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: no requirements
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what!? The dog's name is Mr. Beefy, not Mr. Fi Fi....and the reason the dog is not hard to spot, is because he's one of the main characters.
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jjryans writes:
HEY.... THIS IS A BIG OLD LIE I've Seen the movie and my desktop has meat balls face on it, they are different dogs
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ksabni writes:
Actually the dog in the movie is the father of Meatball, Sandler's dog, who unfortunately died last year. Check out Sandler's info on IMDb.
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