Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Easter Egg - 1138 Even in His Games

1138 (an 'infamous reference' to his first movie)again in the cheat setforceall 1138. if you dont know how to cheat you hold shift+~that button next to the 1

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  2.8/10 with 45 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-24-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: the game or even the demo
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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SharonTT writes:
This is not true. The command SETFORCEALL 4 is the same. Any value greater than 3 will give exactly the same result. Someone was not paying attention when they wrote this cheat. So instead of writing SETFORCEALL 1138, try SETFORCEALL 987987987. This is not an Easter Egg, but a cheat code and not even correct at that.
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The Rabbit writes:
What exactly is supposed to happen?
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Shigmiya64 writes:
This isn't an egg, it's not even a real cheat. "setforceall" followed by a number sets all force powers to that level. The normal max is 3, but Mind Trick can go to level 4 (so you can control enemies) and Lightsaber Offense can go up to level 5, where you'll be able to use Tavion and Desann's saber styles.
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Bathrat writes:
Not quite. to get the 1st level force powers you type: setforceall 1 to get the 2nd level force powers you type: setforceall 2 to get the 3rd level force powers you type: setforceall 3, or any number above 3, that is why 1138 would work, but it wasn't intended to be the cheat itself.
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Kalashnikov writes:
Actually, it stays the same above level 5 or 6 after you've got the two hidden saberstyles that Desann and Tavion uses. Some strange bug can make Kyle, at 1138, be able to waste force by mind trick on corpses.
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Neutronova writes:
Same? I thought Setforceall 4 meant you could take over others' bodies?
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father gonad writes:
OK lets get this straight ok? SharonTT is naive and some of you out there dont read the cheats pages enough. (Its completey ok to do once you have finnished the game on jedi master mode) Setforceall 1-3 = All your force levels will be at the level you input. Setforceall 4 = All levels are at 3 except for mind control, which now allows you to control enemies. The enemies you control have full ammo, and fire any gun at a rate so fast its rediculous. Setforceall 5 = all force levels are at 3, except for mind control at level 4 and sabre offense which is at 5. This allows you to Use Tavion and Desann's Stances. I havnt tried 1138 but i doubt it does much. there is no dispute, what I have jsut said is the whole truth, and unless yur version of the game has the proper coding then you will find that yur codes work exactly the same. Anything over 5 acts as 5. Good day to you all.
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In defense of this egg, it's true that the highest level that cheat works on is 1138. Trust me, because i must have spent half an hour checking this out. Also, your force powers do get more advanced that 5 at 1138 notice that force jump is higher and smoother.
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