Almost Famous Easter Egg - Highschool Sign

So, Almost Famous is the true story of the director Cameron Crowe. In the movie William Miller (who represents Crowe as a child) is in his senior year of highscool at the age of 15. The same was true for Crowe. During the beginning of the film William Miller is seen leaving the school parking lot and in the background is a sign that says "William Miller is too young to drive or fu*k." Well, the interesting thing about this is that a sign was actually put up at Crowes highschool that said that about him when he was a senior.

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  6.8/10 with 67 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-02-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: DVD/Tape of Almost Famous
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this isn't really an egg. if you read the script for this movie Cameron Crow goes out of his way to write "He takes a few steps and looks up to see... a school official is hurriedly removing something from the high-school marquee. HIGH-SCHOOL MARQUEE which reads: WILLIAM MILLER IS TOO YOUNG TO DRIVE (OR F***" it could be consisdered an egg that you knew it was an expeirience that crow had btu then i guess the whole movie is an egg.
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I just wanted to say that I have watched the movie about 50 or so times and I have never seen that. I even watched it in slow motion and could not see it. Could somebody please tell me where exactally it is in the movie.
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This isn't an egg; it's a feature on the bootleg version of Almost Famous that was released some months after that actual film. It's also in the screenplay - but you have to have the longer version of it to see it.
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