Young Ones, The Easter Egg - Flash Frames/Subliminal Messages

Record a programme from the second series and watch it very carefully... if you see a flicker, go back and watch that bit again slowly. You might find that it's actually a picture, just slotted in for no apparent reason. The show was made when the idea of subliminal messaging was popular. Bizarre...

Some info from a FAQ by Andrew Wong:

"A couple of pictures that are completely irrelevant to the plot of The
Young Ones pops up every once in a while during the programme.
In the second season, flash-frame images included a dove in flight, a
jumping frog, a skier, a dripping tap and the "The End" caption from
Carry On Cowboy." from a FAQ by Andrew Wong

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  6.9/10 with 81 votes
Contributed By: Lemming on 10-24-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A video player that can play very slowly
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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graywall writes:
I seem to believe that either Norris McWhirter (of Guiness Book of Records fame) or his brother campaigned at the time against the use of subliminal images including in the Young Ones. I might be suffering from false memory syndrome though, I'm not entirely sure...!
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mike writes:
I think you will find that Norriss' brother Ross had already been mrdered by the IRA by the time The young ones was made
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manda writes:
The messages were a competion. in Italy (I think) you had to tell them what all the pictures were to win a prize.
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giles writes:
I always thought that the flash pictures appeared when one of the cast told a lie.Watch carefully and i think you will find the link.
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fpb writes:
I believe that there was a flash (sub) picture in every episode it was just a matter of finding them
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greenbeen55 writes:
It isn't always when a lie is told, sometimes it is like: "This is snow..." "It's Risotto, Vyv." A skier is shown, but a Tap appears on the line: "Sideways on" in NASTY.
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Brenna writes:
The image that says "The End" is really obvious, because it lasts for about a second. When I hired the tape, I thought somebody had accidently tried to tape something, then stopped... it all makes sense now :)
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Wallamanage writes:
The "The End" one is in series 2 episode 1: "Bambi." The guys are at the table and Rik says "You know what they say. Dirty pants, clean botty." The camera cuts to Mike and then the subliminal message comes on for about a second before Mike says "Dirty duvet, dirty mind" I got this second hand and thought the previous owner had taped over it briefly. But when I saw the others I learnt to stop worrying and laugh instead.
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