NASCAR Thunder 2002 Easter Egg - Cheat codes (NOT AN EGG)-XBOX version only

Here are some secret cars that are unlockable in the game. Just go to the Create A Driver screen, enter one of the following names, and the game will instantly produce a hidden car, complete with driver bio.

Audrey Clark
Benny Parsons
Buster Auton
Cheryl King
Chuck Spicer
Crissy Hillsworth
Daryl Wolfe
Dave Alpern
Dave Nichols
Diane Grubb
Dick Paysor
Jim Hannigan
Joey Joulwan
Josh Neelon
Katrina Goode
Ken Patterson
Kristi Jones
Mandy Misiak
Michelle Emser
Rick Edwards
Rick Humphrey
Sasha Soares
Scott Brewer
Tom Renedo
Traci Hultzapple
Troi Hayes

NOTE: All but one of these "drivers" has actually driven in the NASCAR series. The exception is Benny Parsons, who was the 1973 NASCAR Winston Cup champion and is currently a race analyst for NBC Racing.

User Rating:
  7.5/10 with 12 votes
Contributed By: JokerBoyz on 05-30-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: An Xbox; NASCAR Thunder 2002 for Xbox; a TV :)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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