Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Easter Egg - Wedding Picture

The first time the criminologist appears, he's looking for less than a second at a big picture projected on a screen, which is actually the picture taken during the wedding at the beginning of the movie. I fyou pause the movie on that picture you can see a big arrow drawn with a marker pointing to the head of a person right next to the priest. That person is nothing less than Rochard O'Brien, the author, songwriter and Riff Raff in the movie.

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  2.9/10 with 45 votes
Contributed By: ehdaffected on 04-30-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: RHPS movie, pause function
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Lourdosmixer writes:
Actually, you can already see it is Riff-Raff (or O'Brien) during the wedding, especially during Brad's lovesong to Janet, when they're in the church. You can also spot Frank 'n Furter and Magenta (I don't remember seeing Columbia there)
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Actually, the picture features Tim Curry, Pat Quinn, Little Nell and Richard O'Brien, in conjunction with Barry Bostwick and Susuan Sarandon (as Brad and Janet). Richard O'Brien and Pat Quinn are portraying characters based on the figures in the painting "American Gothic" (thus why Richard holds the pitchfork in the beginning scene). But it's rather obvious that it's Richard, thus why I don't believe it as an eegg.
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Jeff Curry writes:
The point is that everybody there would be in the movie again.Franknfurter was the preist and there two girls and they were Magenta and Columbia.I think that all the people at the wedding were at the party.
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Lourdosmixer writes:
Oooops, I forgot to mention that the priest was Frank 'n Furter...
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Mr. Saotoby writes:
I'm sorry, but this is not an egg. The arrow and the circle draw to much attention to him. You are supposed to recognize Riff, Frank, Magenta and Colombia from the wedding when you see them later on. (Yes, they're all there. As are many trannies.)
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LNS75 writes:
It's not just Richard O' Brian. It's everybody. Tim Curry is the tall minister, Magenta is the farmers wife and I forget what Colombia is. Look at the whole wedding scene really close- you'll see everyone sans makeup.
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Delilah writes:
The priest is played by Tim Curry, Frank in the film. This is pretty much commmon knowledge to fans of the film, but pretty cool for first-timers. The quaker family who do the backing vocals in Dammit Janet are Richard and Pat Quinn (Magenta), and in the church, also Lil Nell (Columbia).
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