Tyrian Easter Egg - Reference to Epic Programmer in "Beer" Mini-Game

To get this egg, you must:

1)Beat the 1player full game mode at any difficulty level.

2) Read the data-cubes on how to play the secret BEER Mini-game you've unlocked.

In the data-cube that lists the enemies in the minigame, there is one enemy that is designated "Brussee Triangles". This is a reference to Arjan Brussee, the head programmer for the original Jazz Jackrabbit games by Epic Megagames.

User Rating:
  8.4/10 with 11 votes
Contributed By: Van Zonderen on 04-23-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Tyrian v2.0 or higher, beating 1P Full Game
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Miner5 writes:
If I'm right, the data cubes that you are able to collect throughout the game contain more than one hidden message, although I wouldn't count them as eggs. One had something to do with Jazz Jackrabbit, other from that programmer thing.
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