Final Fantasy IV Easter Egg - Hidden Programmer's Room

In the japanese version of Final Fantasy IV, in the Dwarf Town there is, between the Armor and Weapons "bars", a small pub. Go in, talk to the Dwarf (and receive a humorous message), and then go several sqares right to where the floor look different. Adjacent to this floor tile is now a false wall; go through and to the stairs. This is a hidden room by the original programmers! You can talk to and fight (but not win unless you are REALLY good) the programmers, and on one of the bookshelfs is there infamous, um, "Pornomag". Don't worry, you just get a little funny message if you use it.

The programmer that looks like a doll (this is not a sexist comment; it's the graphics) can be defeated if you use "Bio/Virus" or "Poison". Others I defeated by giving Yang the "charm/confuse" claws and getting "First Strike!".

This room is completely gone from Final Fantasy 2 (U.S.). Gee, I wonder why?

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 106 votes
Contributed By: Rick O'Shay on 10-20-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Final Fantasy 4 SNES Cart, or ROM and emulator (and get the j2e IPS patch too!)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Cool_guy writes:
Is that why the cowboy-guy (I cant remember his name) put a pornomag when Rinoa where seeing Squall in Final Fantasy 8??
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WildWolf writes:
the cowboy-like guy would be Irvine, you may be right though.
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Cool_guy writes:
Well all Final Fantasy is the same, just look at Final Fantasy 9........ Traces of FF 4&5.......
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Jesster289 writes:
I believe there is a mention to this in saga frontier.... forget where though.
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Lucas writes:
Is this in the re-realease version for the Playstation?
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Lucas writes:
Is this in the re-release version for the Playstation?
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Spike writes:
yeah it is in the Playstation re-release
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Pepper666 writes:
This is egg is also in the English version and also the original.
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Jake_Davis writes:
Cool_Guy, the reason why all thos elittle mentions from past games was this was the last PS1 game so they wanted to make it special. I have one egg I found immediately. Terra is the name of the main(sub?) character in FF6 (PS1 American) and FF3 (SNES American)
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boonski writes:
Yea in the Game Boy Advance version 'Final Fantasy IV Advance' this is also in it. The 'doll' character just keeps saying "Want To Die?" plus if you talk to some of the other programmers will talk to you. One talks about how he's getting married.
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