Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Easter Egg - THX-1138 Movie Reference

If your playing as the Empire, click on a Trooper. If you do this enough times, eventually the unit will say THX-1138 reporting. This also works if you turn an Imperial unit using a jedi.

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  4.4/10 with 55 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-07-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Have Imperial Units
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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megatron1138 writes:
While this is obviously a reference to Lucas' earlier film, I don't think it qualifies as an egg. In the "Star Wars" novel, an Imperial officer refers to one of the stormtroopers as "THX-1138" (after the Falcon lands aboard the Death Star).
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Yavanna writes:
And Princess Leia is rescued from cell 1138.
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