3DMark Easter Egg - Cow Game

1. Open 3Dmark 2001.
2. Start a new project.
3. Click the “Edit” button in the “Project' Area”.
4. Type in "Holy Cow!" without quotes.
5. Press OK, and click on “Game demo”.

Hint: Hold T until the text in the HUD changes to LOCKED in red. The missile will home in on the nearest cow.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 107 votes
Contributed By: SimXP on 02-09-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: 3DMark 2001 (Standard or Pro), 3DMark 2001 Second Edition
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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biatchinmama writes:
The Cow Game was awesome!!! Never thought I'd be able to play without paying something to 3D Mark. The Game itself was pretty hard, you had to use missiles to shoot down flying cows armed with laser weapons. But it was plenty fun, good job finding it.
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GalFisk writes:
Really cool egg! Hint: Hold T until the text in the HUD changes to LOCKED in red, then the missile will home in on the nearest cow.
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DJpowerHaus writes:
It works great with 3DMark2001 Second Edition too.
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