Rose Red Easter Egg - Stephen King Cameo

Right after Annie looks at the model of the house for the first time, a delivery boy will show up at the front door. The group goes to answer it, and the boy is none other than Stephen King, the author of the show.

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  3.7/10 with 64 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 02-08-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: just the show
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Bubba1314 writes:
This is not an egg. In the Jan.26-Feb. 1, 2002 issue of TV Guide, King talks about filming his cameo as the pizza delivery boy. The article also mentions how King keeps messing up his line by saying he has a pizza for Jackson, instead of Reardon. King is referring to Shirley Jackson, the author of The Haunting of Hill House. Plus, everyone knows that King ALWAYS makes cameos in his movies.
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cutie-pie writes:
This is interesting, but not that new. Stephen King has a bit part in every movie made from his books.
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D2T7M writes:
Not surprising considering he has made a cameo in most of his TV movies, The Stand for instance, he was a Truck Driver
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ice_princess writes:
I noticed that too. Isn't he in all of his movies?
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