Batman (1989) Easter Egg - Jack Napier

If you have ever seen Batman then you would know that the Jokers' real name is Jack Napier. But did you also know that Alfred the Butler was played by Alan Napier on the original 60s' TV Show?

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  3.3/10 with 208 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 10-18-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Batman film (1989)
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AND Napier spelled backwards is rapein... wich i think is spanish or italian for nave, as in jack as in a deck of cards (there's supposed to be alot of card word play having to do with the joker in this)
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stickyvicky writes:
Napier spelled backwards is not rapien! It's reipan. Sorry.
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FloydDoorz writes:
Well, then it's an anagram for it. Close enough.
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RavenPlant writes:
If anyone has ever read Batman or knew anything about the comic, you would know they never revealed the Joker's real name. The creator did this to symbolize that anyone could go crazy and become a homicidal maniac.
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Bolverk writes:
The name "Jack Napier" was made up by Sam Hamm, the original screenwriter for the Batman film. In the comics, the Joker's name has never been revealed. He was a masked criminal called the Red Hood when he took the chemical bath that changed his pigment. His true identity remains one of the unsolved mysteries of the DC Comics Universe. "Batman: The Animated Series" has referred to the Joker as "Jack Napier," but, as far as I know, the comics have not. However, a story from the early '90's revising and retelling the first battle between Batman and the Joker did include the Joker's mentally deranged cousin, whose last name was given as "Reipan." Personally, I prefer not knowing the Joker's true identity.
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George writes:
In the comics the Joker didn't kill Batman's parents like he did in the movie. A man named Joe Chill was responsible.
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DarkMark writes:
Actually, the derivation of Jack Napier's name is pretty apparent. Jack Napier=jackanapes=Joker.
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CornellAdamO writes:
Wow, that's fantastic, really. Especially considering that they would have no reason to name the Joker after the actor who played Alfred the Butler forty years earlier, so there is really no connection at all.
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BOFH5150 writes:
to my knowledge, the first PRINTED reference to the Joker being Jack Napier was in Alan Moore's graphic novel "the Killing Joke". This was written and released before the movie. Now as to whether or not alan Moore was trying to relate this to Alfred - Who Knows.
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Jo-Jo writes:
Joker didnt kill batmans parents, it was two-face. Watch Batman forever if you dont believe me. Batman says something like "two shots, two face" or something!
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hellblazer writes:
In Comics Joker's name is NEVER revealed. By the way REIPAN is the backward of NAPIER, the first is the Last name of the Joker's Cousin in Legends of the Dark Knight # 50
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Actually, Jo-Jo, the first two movies and the latter two arn't in the same universe. One thing proves this the first Batman movie "Harvey Dent" (Two-face's alter-ego) was a black man, but Two-face, from Batman Forever, it's clearly white.
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jokerdude48 writes:
In Hush Returns and in another comic the Joker's name was said to be Jack. Years and years ago a comic was released and the last name was given as Napier. In 1989 Burton simply put the two together.
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kieralinn writes:
The last names have NOTHING to do with each other. The Joker's origins WERE covered in The Killing Joke...yes his name is Jack Napier who was a failed comedian..he also was the original Red Hood, (recently Jason Todd reintroduced himself as the Red Hood.) Joe Chill killed Bruce Wayne's parents. It always has been that way. In recent continuity Bruce Wayne's parents killer was never known, but since "Infinite Crisis" the Joe Chill being the killer story is back in the comics history. Never was the Joker or Two-face the killers. How in the world could two-face ever have done it? Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent are friends and close in ages......Joel Schumacher proved beyond a doubt he had never read any of the comics with those films so I would suggest you ignore anything in those films. In Burton's film, they went with the Joker angle for dramatic effect......they completely made it up for the film...let it go now.
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