Sim Ant Easter Egg - Morph to Spider

1. Click on yellow ant
2. Press X on key board
3. Click on the head of the spider

User Rating:
  6.6/10 with 94 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
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n-zyme writes:
You don't have to click on the Yellow Ant. The game allows to select the Spider like any Black Ant. By the way, while in the spider, you can still use Alt-2, and 3 and 4 to summon/release Black Ants. The spider can go over rocks and such too.
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JEG writes:
Also, while the spider, if you chose to exchange to an ant but instead click on the spider, you will create an ant just like the one you were controlling (before you exchanged to the spider) under the spider. One fun thing to do with this is use the spider as a dropship to deploy soldiers over the red nest. :)
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Pr3d4t0r writes:
Do not let the spider walk into the sink, inside, when controlling it. it makes the spider disappear and your computer will hang
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Hitting caps lock will make the spider run. Shift does the same thing. Also try moving to a place with no ants and click the mystery button (the one that's blank) until you here a noise that sounds kinda like hitting a glass of water with a fork, and then the pitch gets higher. If u cant figure it out, move to an area with ants. If u get the right one the spider shoots lasers at any ant nearby, instantly killing it. This is usefull if red is winning by a lot, you can murder almost every red ant this way.
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LU22 writes:
I think it makes the game too easy, because then you don't have the spider chasing you if you are the spider. I found out this egg almost straight after I started playing the game. It's cool if you just use it for fun though.
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