Wasting My Time (Default) Easter Egg - How This Video Reminds Me....

During the music video for Default's "Wasting My Time" the fellow who is running throughout the video runs past lots of other people and objects running in slow motion.

At one point, he runs under a bridge where there is a fellow being beat up, but they are blurred and slow. If you have it on tape, you can pause it there, put it on slow motion, or just watch really close - if you do, you may recognize the man being beaten up. He's none other than Chad Kroeger - the lead singer/guitarist for the Canadian band Nickelback.

I'm guessing he's in the video because when Defualt were a struggling band, they sent their demo tape to Chad, and he helped to get them signed.

Always nice to see bands pay homage to the people who have helped them.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 136 votes
Contributed By: Audio Velocity on 01-12-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Your Eyes, maybe a VCR w/ slow motion
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Rainyfool writes:
Yeah your right, just watched the video. Never noticed that before. Good job! I wouldn't have caught that.
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Also ,you can tell that the video is filmed in Toronto - you can see the TTC (subway) signs in the background.
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