Star Wars Rouge Leader: Rogue Squadron 2 Easter Egg - Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG)

Black and White Mode
To play in black and white, enter the Password "LIONHEAD." Get it, Lionhead made the game "Black and White?"

Unlock Ace Mode
Get a Gold Medal in every mission, plus complete all of the Training missions and you'll unlock the super-difficult Ace Mode.

Unlock Audio Commentary
Obtain at least a bronze medal on all 10 main missions. Or, go to the Passcodes menu and enter this code: BLAHBLAH.

Unlock Credits
To unlock the credits (without beating the game), enter THATSME! in the Passcodes menu.

Unlock Documentary
Finish all main 10 missions. You can access this in the Special Features section under options. Or, type in the ?INSIDER code at the Passcodes Menu.

Unlock Millennium Falcon
To unlock Han's ship, get Bronze Medals on all 10 original missions.

Unlock Music Hall
To unlock the all the music tracks, enter COMPOSER at the Passcodes menu.

Unlock the Art Gallery
To unlock the art gallery, go to the Passcodes screen and enter EXHIBIT!

Unlock A TIE Fighter
Beat the Imperial Academy Heist mission during both day and night. The ship will be available in a remote region of the hangar the next time you return.

Unlock Slave 1
To unlock Boba Fett's ship beat all ten missions and get a silver medal on each.

User Rating:
  5.3/10 with 310 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 01-10-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Gamecube and a copy of Star Wars Rouge Leader
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Biff51 writes:
Here's one for you: UNLIMITED LIVES! JPVI?IJC R2 will not beep. Then put in RSBFNRL You will always have 3 lives left after you lose one.
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zork master writes:
I got one for the falcon 1ST part mvpqiu?a 2nd part oh!buddy
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Silver757 writes:
The last 2 codes are incorrect. To get the TIE fighter you need to hijack a TIE fighter during the day and night. And to get the Slave 1 you need a silver medal on the regular 10 levels and the first 2 bonus missions.
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neil writes:
Here is another one. It is to get Darth Vaders Tie Fighter. Type in NYM!UUOK R2D2 will not beep. Then type in BLKHLMT! After that you will have Darth Vaders Tie with a secondary weapon of cluster bombs
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you want a flying car? you got it! just type !zuviel! and it won't beep. then type !benzin! and it will beep. go to the end of the hangar were the two a-wings are. the one on the end is a flying car
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Clyde writes:
Iv'e got one for the AT-ST you can become one by typing CHICKEN into the cheat area.I also have one for unlocking all levels simply type in oompawampa. These are an awsome cheats iv've used them myself trust me!!!
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