Return to Castle Wolfenstein Easter Egg - Mein Fuhrer... I'm Sorry... Mr President

In the Village level where you have to kill the 5 SS Paranormal officers, after you pass through the first low door (the one you have to crouch to get through) you come up behind some sort of alchemist doing something. Kill him and then look at the piece of paper on the right table. It's addressed to a Doctor Merkwurdigliebe. Translated into English, this means Strangelove...

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  5.8/10 with 116 votes
Contributed By: The Doctor on 01-08-2002
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Full version of the game
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Sean Quinn writes:
Oh, that is good! Got to love those boys (and girls) at ID for putting in all those little things that make us happy.
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Spanko writes:
Thats very cool, except i think many people might not know the significance. For the un-cultured, Dr.Strangelove was one of Stanley Kubrick's earliest films, a dark comedy about tensions during the Cold War.
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teflont writes:
With respect for this part, id using known (however little known it may be), the 5 Nazis that you are supposed to eliminate, are all characters in the Series Hogan's Heroes. I love that show and id's games and couldn't help but smile when I saw the names.
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Djinn writes:
Another hidden thing that you should have noticed is at the outside of the airport for the testing of the German Jets....If you walk far enough along the runway and turn to the right, you will see a black, charred, blown up building...And next to it will be a little clipboard which states that "Employees are not to brew coffee in the fuel purifier"
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baconboy1 writes:
also, going with the weird clipboard note things: On the tram level, on the left of the control board, there is a clipboard stating that there was a typo in the operator's safety guide, and that the margin for error in line tension was not 500 (i forget the unit of measurement) but is actually .5 or something with a really big difference. it then states that this should help prevent further accidents. haha :-D
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Dave writes:
There's actually loads of those funny memos. There's one about not dumping waste in the water you just had to swim through because it causes cholera, that's by someone called 'Shmutzig' and the german for 'dirty' is 'schmutzig'. I think it's the coffee/fuel building memo but it might be the 500/0.05 cable one, I forget what the guy's name is but it's very close to the german for 'unsafe'. A lot of the names are just direct translations but these two are changed slightly.
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Jules Verne writes:
id didn't make "Return to Castle Wolfenstein"; they just made the 3d-engine. As far as I recall, the game was made by Raven.
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.moT writes:
In either the first or second castle map there is a memo saying that the safety cages have reduced 95% of accidents, very useful with current short-staffing. On the table in the second there is a memo saying that "of course we are not hoarding treasure"...
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reebash writes:
For what it's worth... id didn't put any of those in there and, as far as I know, don't even know they're there. (at least not all of them) All were added by Drew Markham (creative director on the project) with some assistance from Steve Goldberg (who actually typed all that stuff in) and some others at Gray Matter. And to correct one other comment in there, RTCW was made by Gray Matter Interactive studios (not Raven). Nerve software added the multiplayer modes, and the engine Wolf was based on was written by id software. Also, fyi, I'm not Drew or Steve pimping myself, but "one of the others"... Yet another fyi, there's /tons/ of eggs in there not yet mentioned here. :) Some more obvious than others. One minor example is that the doctor at the beginning is based on Gene Wilder from "Young Frankenstein". Another is that the sounds (machinery, electronics, alarms) in the "Xlabs" levels are from the same library as "2001 A Space Odyssey". Yet another is that B.J.'s face is actually a modified Clint Eastwood...
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Syn Ack writes:
Enable cheats. Load the norway map. Enable notarget (and possibly god and give all, though only notarget should be sufficient.) Now use a silenced weapon (sten or other) to kill the soldier on the sub. Now walk over to the generator and kill the guy that is standing up with a weapon that makes noise. (You want to alert the other guy, but not blow up the generator.) The guy who was crouching will stand up, look at you and his face will track your movement (even with notarget) and waggle his finger at you while shaking his head as if to say, "naughty naughty naughty! You are cheating!"
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